Digital Security for Abortion & Pregnancy Privacy

A poster created by Hazel Mead

Poster with suggestions for better digital security for abortion and pregnancy privacy. It is the full version of the parts described below.

Check out our accompanying guide to abortion privacy:

Want to share these tips on social media? Download graphics to share on Instagram here! (Note: file download will be a .zip file. Double click to unzip and see the graphics.)

Square image for posting on Instagram. The image has a pink background and includes text that reads, "Want to avoid advertisements related to pregnancy/abortion?" and tips to do that.
Square image with a person saying, "Worried about someone reading your messages or browser history?" and tips to avoid that.
Square image that has a person saying, "Worried about your phone company having copies of your browsing or texts about your abortion?" It includes tips for how to avoid that.
Square image with text asking, "Worried about protestors outside the clinic? Remember that only you know what is best for your life and this pregnancy." There is person in sunglasses, a hat, and a surgical face mask, with a suggestion to wear that.

The artwork on this page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) license. You can reproduce and share these images freely, as long as you do not share them for profit. Please do not crop out the attribution. Thank you!

Do you have a physical space that would benefit from this poster on the walls? Feel free to print it yourself, or reach out to our Contact Us page to ask for one.

See more of Hazel Mead’s beautiful, sex-positive work on her website!


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